HR Diagnostic Services

From workforce planning to policies and practices. From talent attraction to engagement and retention strategies, HR teams are asked to take on a lot. It can be difficult to keep pace strategically while managing the day-to-day.

We will conduct a diagnostic alongside you and your team to identify strengths and gaps within your talent services.


Hear From Our Clients

Anne has been an essential resource to help transform our antiquated and often haphazard HR processes into streamlined efficiency. She brings a wealth of diverse experience and practical insight, mapping current processes, analyzing pain points, and designing fixes to meet our needs. Plus she’s a joy to work with! Highly recommend Elasta Jobs for any HR process improvement or consulting projects.

Holly Hoehner

General Counsel, Loretto

It has been a true pleasure working with you over the course of these many months. Munson is in a stronger position thanks to your keen insights and good work. Thank you!

Anna D'Ambrosio

President & CEO, Munson

Elasta Jobs and Anne Rush provided professional Human Resources analytical services and were a pleasure to work with. Their overall assessment and gap analysis helped us to understand were things were going well and what we needed to more strategically develop. I highly recommend.   

Maureen O'Brien

President & CEO, New York State Industries for the Disabled

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